Monday, July 28, 2008

My Story - Book 2 Ends

Sometimes, in a book series, a book will end with the death of a beloved character & heartache. I usually finish those books with tears streaming down my face, a lump in my throat, puffy eyes, and a headache. I also can't wait to start the next book in the series to get past the heartache and on to the next adventure. Lately, I have been thinking of my life as a series of books, not just chapters in one book. Book 1 includes all of my childhood adventures and misadventures as well as my coming of age years in college and my mission. Book 2 began with a beautiful wedding 12 years ago and is full of joy, heartache, travel, family, adventure, laughter, frustration, tears, challenges, triumphs and disappointment. Today, that book ended. Our divorce is final. As I finished the final page in court today, tears trickled down my face & the lump in my throat made it hard to answer the questions. I am going to bed with puffy eyes and a headache. It was a very good book, but the ending has been very hard. I had my ring cleaned and polished today. You can't see it well in the picture but I have always really loved it. I patterned it after one I saw in a jewelry store and a wholesaler in Logan, UT made it. I loved it because it was original, the band was thick and parts of it were symbolic to me. The large diamond in the center represented Christ. The swoops of gold on the sides represented Tim & I - both of us looking to Christ & reaching out to each other. In each swoop are small diamonds that represented any children we may have - it was up to us to carry them toward Christ. As a whole, the ring represented the promise of eternity, as well as the teamwork and sacrifice it took to design & pay for it.
Closing the lid on the small box felt like the closing of the book.

The good news is that my story is not over - I get to start the next book tomorrow. And the adventures waiting are not to be missed!


jarrleckie said...

YOU are incredible. So sorry about today, what a hard day it must have been. You are in my prayers.

Judi said...

Thinking of you.

Alisa said...

I love how you are telling your story-
there is a place and a way for telling all of our story, the bad with the good.
Thank you for sharing such a tender day with us.
You are in my prayers continually.

Teebee said...

I know that must have been hard to write. I love you!! Just remember the sequal will be better than the last.

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